
Sorry About The Wait


That “short break” ended up being longer than expected. I intended for it to be just two weeks. If I had to sum up what happened in one word, it would be “finals”.

Now that everything’s sorted out, I will begin translating V3 in a few days.

Sorry about that.

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31 thoughts on “Sorry About The Wait”

    1. Phew.. i thought you were kidnapped and then sold to extremist on middle east, then brainwashed and trained to become their soldier, however you manage to escape before they got into your head, after that you join local militia to fight against the extremist. You and the militia manage to push extremist to the corner, before dealing finishing blow, you remember your blog, and decide to give little updates before “final” battle.

      1. Well more accurately speaking he would have been kidnapped by the North Koreans and forced to translate japanese intelligence for them.

  1. Eh. I figure that after pushing out almost daily chapters for so long that a month should still count as a short break. A new chapter would be awesome, but it’s not like this is our only source of entertainment.

    Take however long you need to unwind; I’m sure we’d all rather wait a bit longer for consistent releases than have you burn out and stop completely.

  2. the real reason for the delay

    “translator suddenly get transported to another world”

  3. Welcome back and congratulations on surviving your finals! I can’t wait to see the next part of the story.

  4. Welcome back bro!
    I thought you are dead. I mean your site not you.
    While you are struggling with your finals, I also had a semester end exam and got an F bro. Take it easy. Exams comes first.

  5. No worries! Glad you got finals taken care of, that is definitely something I don’t miss about college.

  6. I’m glad it’s over for you, man. I can’t tell you how relieved I was when that hell finally ended for me last semester.

  7. Finally! You are back my friend 1 month feels like 5 years finally you are back! You made my day! I checked the post every day to know when you are going to come back! and here! Finally! Thanks god your are back

  8. I’m just happy you’ll continue the translation. Trying the raws with Google Translate gets rough in a few spots with keywords coming out weird. Hard to read by context like that.

  9. Lucky me! I only discovered the site a few days ago. I was worried I’d have to wait a few more weeks before I’d get to read more of Leon’s everyday mob lifestly. Welcome back to the land of the living!

  10. well…why translate when u are bored with otome but translate less popular crap, keep up the trash

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